💌 Tell Us Your Love Story

"You can't control the actions of others but you can control your own. Everyday you can decide to love deeper, serve greater and care more."

Hello friends and colleagues. I would like to honor the word LOVE, in all of its many styles, this February, by asking if you would share some of YOUR incredible love stories with me? I will be printing several of them in my bi-monthly blog, so I would need your authorization as well. 

I'm looking for any type of LOVE story that has touched your heart, it might be your own or that of another. Love comes in all sizes and colors and can exist between humans and even our sweet loving pets. Any LOVING story that inspires you!!!

 To submit a story simply:

  1. Reply click the button above and share your story with me. 

  2. Including any pictures would be a big bonus.

I will share the funniest and heart warming entries I receive with all of you in honor of Valentines day this year. I can't wait to hear what you all have to say.  

Share your story today.


Cynthia Kee, Your Reverse Mortgage Specialist



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