‘Tis the Season to Appreciate
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others” — Marcus Tullius Cicero
The days have grown shorter and winter’s chill is now upon us, and our focus has shifted from sunny vacations and backyard bbq’s to comfort food, a crackling fire, family and home. With the holidays just around the corner we are hoping you will enjoy the tips on winterizing your homes as well as the article on safety tips when leaving home, should you be traveling.
This season gives me pause to take an inventory of my own personal world and make my gratitude list. I am profoundly grateful for all of my loyal and ever supportive business associate, clients and friends. I am grateful for 39 years of successfully helping others to find alternatives for a better quality of life. I appreciate each and every one of you and how you bless my life. Thank you from the bottom of my full and grateful heart.—Cynthia Kee
Get Ready for Winter — Home Exterior Check List
Keeping Up Appearances: Hiring a holiday decorating service can spruce up your home with a custom look that will set it apart. It also saves you time and eliminates DIY risks, like ladder falls. Be sure you book early, though.
Clean Chimneys and Fireplaces: Have a pro clean your chimney at least once every two years to prevent buildup of creosote, which can lead to a chimney fire that can spread quickly. Average cost of a chimney sweep and inspection is $178.
Clean the Gutters: Now that the leaves have mostly dropped, clear your gutters to prevent clogs, which can send water pouring over the top and eroding the ground below.
Check the Roof: Make sure it’s structurally sound and isn’t missing shingles. Ensure your home’s attic is properly insulated from the rest of the house. Heat trapped in the attic can melt the now on the roof, which can lead to ice damming.
Caulk Windows: Feel a draft when you walk by the windows in your home? That extra chill can inflate energy bills. One way to keep money from whooshing out is to caulk around windows, typically done to address exterior issues.
Leaving Town? Don’t let the bad guy’s know!
Guard the entry: Burglars target houses that appear to be a quick job. Old doors are considered easy to break. Look at your home from the perspective of a burglar, and reinforce weak areas.
Audit Valuables: Note where your key possessions are before you leave, so you’ll notice right away if they’re missing when you return.
Hold mail & newspaper: Place your mail on hold and put a temporary stop on the newspaper. That newsy stack on your driveway is a dead giveaway.
Light it up: Install a timer that turns lights on and off during different times of the day. Burlars know it’s common to leave lights on, so they’ll be more wary of changing lights.