Plan a Retirement that Lives Up to All Your Adventures
"The thing about blooming is, nothing about the process is easy. It requires every part of you to stretch upward, with your roots firmly planted in the ground; and in the sun, and in the rain, and wind, you stand anyway, even against the pull of the soil. And through it all, one day you will see all along you were transforming." — Morgan Harper Nichols, musician
Still Paying Off Your Mortgage in Retirement?
Many of us aspire to retire early, but few ever accomplish that goal.
The things we do in our professional life are often driven by the age in which we retire. Until we get there, our investments, savings, and other life choices dictate the reality of these goals.
Oftentimes, we focus a lot on the things we do long before we reach retirement, but in many cases, the things we do when we actually reach retirement can help position us for the success we yearn for.
For Hassan and Dennie, retiring early was made possible by savvy decisions that put them in the position they dreamed about their entire lives.
Create a Retirement Story that is Perfect For You
They had been in their home for more than 20 years—and staying in it was an important part of their retirement plan. They used a reverse mortgage to pay off outstanding debts, which allowed them more funds for travel and helping their kids.
"We have been fortunate to retire earlier than most baby boomers we know. It took a lot of planning to make it work. We remodeled our condo, paid off our car, and credit cards before we retired.
Securing a Reverse Mortgage after we paid off our debt guaranteed we could stay in our home as long as we both lived. This gave us peace of mind and extra money to do the things they loved heading into retirement."
This story represents how unique the path to retirement can be. Sometimes there are challenges and tough decisions to be made. For Dennie and Hassan, a reverse was a savvy and productive tool that helped them reach their goals and live the life they truly desired.