News, insights, tips and resources for seniors to grow older with joy, worry less, and retire well.
The Dirty Little Secret About Retirement
A run-up in housing wealth has left some homeowners reluctant to sell. It can be said that older Americans are a good barometer of the recent shift in the U.S. economy. They’re retiring with fewer assets, struggling with inflation, and living much longer. But that’s not all. More Americans are retiring with fewer assets, les cash flow, and more debt. Here’s the dirty little secret why many older Americans are carrying debt into retirement.
Modern Retirement Problems Require Modern Solutions
Due to a lack of retirement savings, high interest rates, and stubborn inflation, the wheels have fallen off the proverbial retirement wagon. But all hope isn’t lost for those fortunate enough to own their home
Move Over, Millineals: Gen Zero are Coming for Baby Boomers' Houses
No generation has shaped the modern housing market more than baby boomers. Now their reign is coming to an end, and Gen Z is coming for the crown.
Why I plan on following the Colonel Sanders model for living.
Yes, I’m talking about the guru of all things fried and fowl who created the restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (or KFC YUM, 0.90%, as it’s simply known today). You might imagine that the good Colonel had built his fast-food empire over decades to turn it into the powerhouse it became. But the story is quite different.
The Many Uses of a Reverse Mortgage
The complexion of the Reverse Mortgage industry has changed dramatically over the years. The FHA-Insured Reverse Mortgage is no longer considered a rescue device. Our typical borrower today is in their early 60’s, has excellent credit and upper level income. Discover the Benefits of a Reverse Mortgage today:
[VIDEO] Americans Are Broke!
It then should come as no surprise that the majority of Americans are essentially broke. Not merely because of a lack of planning or savings but because of the spiraling costs of our day-to-day necessities such as insurance, prescription medication co-pays, or a mortgage payment.
Fun & Valuable Ways to Promote Youth and Elderly Interaction
Thanks to advances in science and medicine, people are living longer than ever. That means the retirement years can be lived in a fulfilling and independent manner. But there is also a challenge: How do we promote youth and elderly interaction?
Will Home Prices Drop in 2023?
If you’re expecting a crash to make housing affordable again, you may be waiting a while.
Retirees are Facing These 4 Time Bombs
Older Americans are facing significant challenges navigating today’s uncertain economy. More specifically, they may be at risk of one or more of these retirement time bombs; each of which may, under the right circumstances, be mitigated or even eliminated by tapping into their housing wealth with a reverse mortgage.
The Power of Purpose
Richard Leider, bestselling author of Repacking Your Bags and The Power of Purpose, is the chief curator of content for AARP’s Life Reimagined Institute. A visionary and thought leader, Richard reveals a one minute formula for finding your purpose.
A New Survey Reveals Americans’ Magic Number for Retirement
The magic number to retire just went even higher. Americans now think their households will need at least $1.25 million to retire comfortably, a 20% jump from a year ago, according to a survey released Tuesday by financial services company Northwestern Mutual.
How to Create Your Retirement Bucket List
How to Create Your Retirement Bucket List: “A retirement adventure list should guide this next chapter of your life, allowing you to live instead of existing,” says retirement coach Sandra Menzies. What should go on yours? Here’s what experts say about creating a meaningful and realistic list.
8 Ways to Say 'Thank You Veterans' on Veterans Day
8 Ways to say THANK YOU to Veterans on Veterans Day
“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.” - Dan Lipinski
Managing the Costs of Healthcare in Retirement
Healthcare costs are likely the biggest expenditure in retirement and can fluctuate wildly based on several factors, including age, location, services, insurance plans, and of course, your overall health.
According to the Fidelity Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, an average retired couple aged 65 will need about $315,000 saved today after taxes to cover health care expenses in retirement.
What Homeowners Should Do in a Softening Market?
Are we headed for a major market crash?
Are there things to consider like reverse mortgages to help weather eroding market conditions? Several experts weigh in with their advice…
Can I Keep My Home With a Reverse Mortgage?
Many consumers incorrectly believe that taking out a reverse mortgage means you’re transferring ownership of your house to a bank or lender, but this is not the case. You retain the title to your home. A reverse mortgage just allows you to tap into the equity you’ve built up in your home.
Reverse Mortgage Misconceptions Debunked
There’s a lot of bad information out there about reverse mortgages. Here are the most common myths, plus costs and what the application process looks like to find out if you qualify.
The New Math of Reverse Mortgages for Retirees
Home equity conversion mortgages, commonly known as HECMs, insured by the Federal Housing Administration and overseen by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, offer protections to borrowers that include: limits on how much borrowers can obtain, so seniors don’t opt for large lump-sum distributions they cannot afford; protection from default if the value of the home declines to less than the loan amount; and provisions that secure a surviving spouse’s right to remain in the home after the borrower’s death.
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase Explained
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase loan allows borrowers to purchase a new home with a reverse mortgage. That means you can complete both the purchase and reverse mortgage transactions with a single set of closing costs with a HECM for purchase. How Does a HECM for Purchase Work?
[Video] How Does a Reverse Mortgage Work?
A reverse mortgage is a powerful financial tool that can help you in retirement. Here are the basics about reverse mortgages, how they function, who they are for, the pros and cons, and how the application process works.