News, insights, tips and resources for seniors to grow older with joy, worry less, and retire well.
Do Reverse Mortgages Transform Home Debt into an Asset?
Inflation is likely to worsen forcing many older Americans to become miserly or creative. With the Federal Reserve planning to enact a series of interest rate hikes, transforming mortgage debt into the asset of a loan with no required installment payments not only frees up much-needed cash each month, it allows the prudent to prepare for what may be one of the most tumultuous economic periods in American history.
12 Kirkland Products Retirees Should Buy at Costco
12 Kirkland Products Retirees Should Buy at Costco. As a regular Costco shopper, I've learned over the years that some of the best values can be found in the warehouse club's own Kirkland Signature line of products. Many of these exclusive items hold unique appeal to retirees as well as near-retirees like me.
10 Important Home Care Reminders
10 Helpful Home Care Tips for Spring. Keeping your home comfortable and safe is a priority. That is why we wanted to remind you of these 10 simple, but important tasks.
[Testimonial] Take the Pressure of Paying the Mortgage Off Your Plate.
[Testimonial] With a beautiful home overlooking the Sunset Strip, Keith and Julianne had tremendous home equity growth from the last couple of decades. Instead of moving or living differently in retirement, they found that a Reverse Mortgage gave them the ability to continue to enjoy their lifestyle.
Inflation is Here…and It’s Real
While we cannot stop inflation we can find a creative means to help curtail its impacts. Inflation is here and it is real. Now, what are you going to do to deal with it? What’s your plan? Are you willing to reduce your standard of living?
10 Productive Things to Do in Retirement
An extensive study in the U.S. found that the most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age.
The 2nd most productive stage is from 70 to 80 years of age
The 3rd most productive stage is from 50 to 60 years of age
Social Security Insecurity?
Adults 60 and over are returning to school in droves to train in entirely new areas, often centered around social issues such as the environment, health, education, and social services. Educational innovation, from lifelong learning to distance classes via the Internet, is proliferating to keep pace with this changing demographic. But where are the resources to pay for this transition training?
The Wild West Housing Market
While Americans are getting priced out of the housing market millions of savvy older homeowners are sitting on a goldmine. Not just a motherlode of equity but a potential source of cash flow that could be mined to help temper the impacts of inflation and as a hedge against financial shocks.
Downsizing for Retirement: 15 Tips for a Happily Ever After
The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies has found that approximately 40% of retirees move after retirement. Here are 15 tips for successfully downsizing for retirement. Relocate for a profitable, comfortable and happily ever after!
Foreclosure Moratoriums Ending July 31
Over 7 million American homeowners were placed under the protection of a foreclosure moratorium as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) last spring. Foreclosure Moratoriums are ending July 31, 2021.
📚 Benefits of Creative Writing for Seniors
"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is." – Ernest Hemmingway. There are many benefits of writing for seniors, but more than anything, remember that creative writing is fun! All you need is paper, a pen, and a little imagination to get started. Read More to find out where to begin on our latest blog.
Could Raising the Top Social Security Age to 72 Help Retirees?
Could Raising the RMD's age help the General Population? Maybe, maybe not? If you're trying to help retirees more, let them have further deferral on Social Security to be more aligned with them to do more strategic Roth conversions before Social Security begins. Reward them by offering additional delay credits on Social Security.
Senior Volunteers Go Virtual to Help Charities
Retirees have found numerous ways to virtually support beloved causes during COVID-19. Gauge whether you and the charity are a good match by asking these six questions, which are meant to elicit not just a candid conversation but also a little soul-searching on your part.
Has COVID-19 Triggered a Retirement Rethink?
Today’s housing market is red-hot. HOWEVER, as housing inventory loosens once unavoidable foreclosures hit the market, and the Fed raises interest rates in an attempt to avoid excessive inflation older homeowners could find they no longer qualify for or desire a reverse mortgage.
🏠 Are These Home Prices Even Realistic?
Older homeowners should seriously examine their current financial liquidity and future needs. If they’re lacking, this once-in-a-generation housing market could yield hundreds of thousands of dollars in borrowing power at today’ low-interest rates.
Is There a Retirement Vaccine to Hedge Against the Risk of Outliving One’s Money?
Can one vaccinate themselves against retirement financial shocks? How an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
4 Ways the Stimulus Package May Affect Retirees
Yes, the possibility that you’ll get a stimulus check is something to care about, but there are other aspects of this act involving taxes and RMDs that could directly affect retirees like you. It is important to know what’s in this bill that will affect you, to make sure you’re getting as much as possible out of your tax dollars.
10 Resources for Living Independently as a Senior
In this article, we’ve listed 10 resources that can provide valuable information and help to seniors maintain dignity, quality of life, and independence while living at home as long as your living needs are met so you are safe, healthy, and happy.
3 Ways to Secure Your Property Value with a Reverse Mortgage
Reverse Mortgages Are An Excellent Hedge Against Property Value Risk – Especially Now. With home values at historic highs and base interest rates below one-percent now is the time for older homeowners to consider securing their home’s value with a reverse mortgage.
5 Tips You Can Start Today to Help Make Aging in Place Successful
Aging in place also can be more challenging than you might expect. While most seniors say they want to age in place, a much smaller percentage of them actually manage to accomplish it, studies show.