News, insights, tips and resources for seniors to grow older with joy, worry less, and retire well.
The Science of Gratitude
Gratitude is the expression of appreciation for what one has. It is a recognition of value independent of monetary worth. Spontaneously generated from within, it is an affirmation of goodness and warmth. This social emotion strengthens relationships. Gratitude is like a miracle pill that gives us these 14 incredible benefits:
A 6% Increase in Social Security May Fall Short
Despite being one of the largest Cost of Living Increases in nearly 40 years, Seniors may still find themselves short of cash because of these two factors…
10 Productive Things to Do in Retirement
An extensive study in the U.S. found that the most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age.
The 2nd most productive stage is from 70 to 80 years of age
The 3rd most productive stage is from 50 to 60 years of age
How to Use Home Equity to Empower Your Retirement?
What is Home Equity? Home equity is the difference between the balance on your mortgage and your home’s current market value. For example, if you owe $90,000 on your home loan and your property is worth $350,000, your home has $260,000 of equity.
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather live.”
💗 “There’s nowhere else I’d rather live.–Linda”💗 Watch her testimonial today. Linda worked with her mortgage broker to learn how a reverse mortgage could help her actually save money each year even after she paid off her mortgage, paid off most of her credit card debt, and even set aside cash for emergencies that is earning interest.
Social Security Insecurity?
Adults 60 and over are returning to school in droves to train in entirely new areas, often centered around social issues such as the environment, health, education, and social services. Educational innovation, from lifelong learning to distance classes via the Internet, is proliferating to keep pace with this changing demographic. But where are the resources to pay for this transition training?
12 Questions to Ask Yourself About Retirement
Retirement is a significant stage in life that can cause a number of different emotions depending on how well prepared you are, not only financially but mentally.
Some of my clients have a very clear picture of their retirement and have been working towards achieving their vision for many years while others are not there yet emotionally, mentally or financially to make the transition.
The Wild West Housing Market
While Americans are getting priced out of the housing market millions of savvy older homeowners are sitting on a goldmine. Not just a motherlode of equity but a potential source of cash flow that could be mined to help temper the impacts of inflation and as a hedge against financial shocks.
Downsizing for Retirement: 15 Tips for a Happily Ever After
The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies has found that approximately 40% of retirees move after retirement. Here are 15 tips for successfully downsizing for retirement. Relocate for a profitable, comfortable and happily ever after!
Human + Kind = Let's Be Both
Millennials are often disregarded by older generations as selfish, but studies show that over half of millennials have given to charity. Three college students in Germany showed the world just how selfless their generation can be through a beautiful video that went viral and has touched the hearts of millions since.
Full Guide: How to Finance Age-in-Place Renovations
Staying in your own home as you grow older offers many benefits. For most, it means a stronger sense of safety, comfort, and independence, and it also affords you more privacy. Though the renovation costs may be high, aging in place can often be cheaper than an assisted living facility would be — especially if you plan ahead.
Funny Quotes From Kids About Love & Marriage
Laughter adds years to your life, if you can laugh away the seriousness of life you would realize that there's much to live for. –Hermann J Steinherr. Kids say the darnedest things! Let’s hear what they know about Love & Marriage!
Foreclosure Moratoriums Ending July 31
Over 7 million American homeowners were placed under the protection of a foreclosure moratorium as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) last spring. Foreclosure Moratoriums are ending July 31, 2021.
Baby Boomers’ Biggest Financial Risk: Cognitive Decline
For baby boomers who manage their own nest eggs, a risk is looming that has nothing to do with stock prices or interest rates. The risk is cognitive decline, which can rob them of their judgment, often without much warning. One big mistake—or a series of smaller ones—can go unnoticed by loved ones, and potentially ravage a lifetime of hard-earned savings.
A Perfect Storm For Retirees
A Hot Real Estate Market is Making Some Seniors Very Happy. Few retirees can rely on a significant pension and must make their savings last for decades. This may be even more difficult considering that we could see persistently low-interest rates, higher inflation, and market volatility in the coming years. The result? Today’s retirees could face a perfect storm, and they may have to use different financial planning strategies than retirees of the past.
Why are Reverse Mortgages Surging Despite Economic Uncertainty?
Which do we choke? Inflation or possibly the nation’s fragile economic recovery? That’s a question the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee is grappling with as consumer prices soar and global shortages of goods worsen. We have much to be thankful for in this upside-down economic cycle. While the nation’s GDP is surging, albeit when compared to last year’s economic shutdown, our economic recovery is facing some strong headwinds. Yet despite these challenges we thrive.
📚 Benefits of Creative Writing for Seniors
"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is." – Ernest Hemmingway. There are many benefits of writing for seniors, but more than anything, remember that creative writing is fun! All you need is paper, a pen, and a little imagination to get started. Read More to find out where to begin on our latest blog.
Could Raising the Top Social Security Age to 72 Help Retirees?
Could Raising the RMD's age help the General Population? Maybe, maybe not? If you're trying to help retirees more, let them have further deferral on Social Security to be more aligned with them to do more strategic Roth conversions before Social Security begins. Reward them by offering additional delay credits on Social Security.
Senior Volunteers Go Virtual to Help Charities
Retirees have found numerous ways to virtually support beloved causes during COVID-19. Gauge whether you and the charity are a good match by asking these six questions, which are meant to elicit not just a candid conversation but also a little soul-searching on your part.
Has COVID-19 Triggered a Retirement Rethink?
Today’s housing market is red-hot. HOWEVER, as housing inventory loosens once unavoidable foreclosures hit the market, and the Fed raises interest rates in an attempt to avoid excessive inflation older homeowners could find they no longer qualify for or desire a reverse mortgage.