News, insights, tips and resources for seniors to grow older with joy, worry less, and retire well.
Reverse Mortgage Misconceptions Debunked
There’s a lot of bad information out there about reverse mortgages. Here are the most common myths, plus costs and what the application process looks like to find out if you qualify.
Plan a Retirement that Lives Up to All Your Adventures
Still Paying Off Your Mortgage in Retirement? Many of us aspire to retire early, but few ever accomplish that goal. The things we do in our professional life are often driven by the age in which we retire. Until we get there, our investments, savings, and other life choices dictate the reality of these goals.
The New Math of Reverse Mortgages for Retirees
Home equity conversion mortgages, commonly known as HECMs, insured by the Federal Housing Administration and overseen by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, offer protections to borrowers that include: limits on how much borrowers can obtain, so seniors don’t opt for large lump-sum distributions they cannot afford; protection from default if the value of the home declines to less than the loan amount; and provisions that secure a surviving spouse’s right to remain in the home after the borrower’s death.
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase Explained
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase loan allows borrowers to purchase a new home with a reverse mortgage. That means you can complete both the purchase and reverse mortgage transactions with a single set of closing costs with a HECM for purchase. How Does a HECM for Purchase Work?
[Video] How Does a Reverse Mortgage Work?
A reverse mortgage is a powerful financial tool that can help you in retirement. Here are the basics about reverse mortgages, how they function, who they are for, the pros and cons, and how the application process works.
6 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your Memory
It’s perfectly normal to experience brief memory loss now and then. We’ve all forgotten where we’ve put something or not immediately remembered somebody’s name, right? But, with age and certain medical conditions, memory loss might become more of an issue. Here are 6 science-backed ways to boost your memory.
11 Patriotic Ways To Celebrate July 4th
Whether you want to celebrate with friends and family or spend your day giving back, there are limitless ways to celebrate America’s birthday! Here are 11 ways to show your love of our country and reflect on the sacrifices of military service members this July.
“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” - Benjamin Franklin
“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” -Benjamin Franklin
10 Ways to Talk to Your Aging Parents about Finances
Talking to your parents about their finances isn't as difficult as it might seem. That's because there are several ways to start the conversation. Here are 10 tried and true approaches.
Do Reverse Mortgages Transform Home Debt into an Asset?
Inflation is likely to worsen forcing many older Americans to become miserly or creative. With the Federal Reserve planning to enact a series of interest rate hikes, transforming mortgage debt into the asset of a loan with no required installment payments not only frees up much-needed cash each month, it allows the prudent to prepare for what may be one of the most tumultuous economic periods in American history.
15 Benefits of Drinking Water
Consuming enough water each day is also good for our bodies and our overall well-being. Additionally, if we don’t get enough water our bodies get dehydrated, which can negatively impact our bodily functions. In this article, we’ll share some of the most important benefits of drinking water.
12 Kirkland Products Retirees Should Buy at Costco
12 Kirkland Products Retirees Should Buy at Costco. As a regular Costco shopper, I've learned over the years that some of the best values can be found in the warehouse club's own Kirkland Signature line of products. Many of these exclusive items hold unique appeal to retirees as well as near-retirees like me.
10 Important Home Care Reminders
10 Helpful Home Care Tips for Spring. Keeping your home comfortable and safe is a priority. That is why we wanted to remind you of these 10 simple, but important tasks.
[Testimonial] Take the Pressure of Paying the Mortgage Off Your Plate.
[Testimonial] With a beautiful home overlooking the Sunset Strip, Keith and Julianne had tremendous home equity growth from the last couple of decades. Instead of moving or living differently in retirement, they found that a Reverse Mortgage gave them the ability to continue to enjoy their lifestyle.
Spring Fever Will Benefit Senior Homeowners
With home prices rising six times as fast as personal income it becomes clear that today’s housing market is both artificial and unsustainable. While the frenzy will eventually subside it won’t stop this spring which marks the height of the home buying season.
What is an Asset Qualifier Loan?
If if you are looking to buy or refinance and have significant assets, but make little-to-no income an Asset Qualifier Loan may be a great option to consider.
Technology Can Help Seniors Beat Loneliness and Isolation
When you think of early technology adopters, most likely millennials and the younger generation comes to mind. However with Virtual Reality (VR), seniors appear to be among those taking advantage of this cutting-edge technology to better their lives.
Seniors with Credit Card Debt Could be Worse Off in 2022
What are older homeowners living on a meager income to do about credit card debt and rising inflation?
Inflation is Here…and It’s Real
While we cannot stop inflation we can find a creative means to help curtail its impacts. Inflation is here and it is real. Now, what are you going to do to deal with it? What’s your plan? Are you willing to reduce your standard of living?
19 Truths My Grandmother Told Me About Life and Happiness
The opening lines of the final entry in Zelda’s journal—a 270-page leather-bound journal she wrote small entries in almost every morning during the final decade of her life. In it, she reflected on lessons she had learned, lessons she was still learning, and the experiences that made these understandings possible. I'm honored to share them with you.